INPS Mobile Redesign

Redesigning the main entity of the Italian public retirement system




  • ux-ui


Our first challenge for the Digital Design Studio Lab was the unholy task of redesigning the INPS Mobile Application.

First, we went through the Analysis Phase: interviews, heuristics, card sorting, and tree testing. We found the main criticalities and decided what could be improved.

Then we created the wireframes and the new design system, with the main goal of making the Interface less cluttered, while conveying all the information properly.

Heuristics Analysis of the original app
Heuristics Analysis of the original app
Redesigned Components
Redesigned Components
We cleaned the home page, focusing on customization
Home page: Before and After our redesign
Home page: Before and After our redesign
How the new design system is applied to different screens
How the new design system is applied to different screens

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