
Speculative device regarding Toilet Paper consumption




  • branding
  • videomaking
  • making



Treem is a speculative object created to raise discussion and to make people reason about the big impact of our daily actions, related to the excessive consumption of goods and materials, to which we don’t pay enough attention.

In this case, Toilet Paper is celebrated as a luxury product, because in the fictional world, there are almost no trees, so paper has become a rarity.

The device monitors TP consumption, which must be paid for each square. The collected data are visualized on the website’s globe, showing the real-time abuse of the few remaining trees, used for Toilet Paper production.

The Globe made with Three.js
The Globe made with Three.js
Treem instruction manual
Treem instruction manual
Treem User Interface made with p5.js
Treem User Interface made with p5.js

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